Friday, December 25, 2009


So Saad, one of my bestie just pass away, setelah kurang lebih 6 minggu dirumah sakit, sedih banget,sakit rasanya begitu tau kabar kaya gt,she's got serious illness, some of my friends said she's got lupus, tapi ada yang bilang she's got sepsis? I'm trying to googling about sepsis, and i found this : "Sepsis is a life-threatening illness. Your body's response to a bacterial infection usually causes it. Your immune system goes into overdrive, overwhelming normal processes in your blood. The result is that small blood clots form, blocking blood flow to vital organs. This can lead to organ failure. Babies, old people and those with weakened immune systems are most likely to get sepsis. But even healthy people can become deathly ill from it. A quick diagnosis can be crucial, because one third of people who get sepsis die from it" Source : Medline Plus.
It's quite deadly-serious-illnes, jadi this should be a warned buat hati2 dalam hal makan2-an. So sad harus "ga ada" di umur yang semuda ini (she's 26th years old) and she's just celebrate her b'day on Nov 27th.Actually we don't meet for quite long time, about a year, but thanks for the technology, we sometimes had wall to wall post or texting, but i heart her, salah satu my partner in crime to doing some stupid things :) she's so inspiring,because she's so lovable,always cheer up etc.Tapi mungkin itu jalan terbaik buat Dia, but i do prayin' for her but then I'm gonna miss her so... *mewek*

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